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Please check back with us for upcoming events and information

Westbrook Youth and Family Services provides affordable mental health services for individuals, families, and couples in Westbrook and in surrounding towns.

Helpful Links

Language Line

Our office uses Language Line, a telephone and video conferencing mobile service to connect individuals who do not speak the same language.

Nuestra oficina utiliza Language Line, un servicio móvil de teléfono y videoconferencia para conectar a las personas que no hablan el mismo idioma.

New Entrance and New Waiting Room!

Our new entrance is two doors down to the right from our old entrance. There are signs to guide you. Once inside, you will see our beautiful new waiting room where you can buzz in to let staff know you have arrived.

Make a Donation

United-Way-Logo - Shaun Jay

Westbrook Youth and Family Services is grateful for Middlesex United Way and their generosity with helping to fund our mission.